December 7, 2007

Putting Application Online

As internet technology is growing from day to day, online application is taking over the desktop application ranking in even internal admin system in some cooperation. My company is one of them. I am current converting some in house system to web base application, but one thing I might need to be careful of is security concern of the application.

Why people moving their application to put it online? This is because of the conveniences of the internet and the speed of the broadband been increasing from decade to decade. Online application become famous to all the company nowadays, does this mean that desktop application is no longer use in the future? I am not sure about that, but I can sure that people are keen to make their in house software online.

This can be ease staff work, as they can access the system from home and even work from home. Some of the IT companies are actually implementing working from home concept, and make use of the online application to control the in house application and submit using online system thru just a click from home.

We can see the web site technology also growing from day to day, from static web site to dynamic web site and even lots of web site are building with content management system as their backend system to control the content of their web site.

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