December 21, 2007

Best home loan interest rate

I am wondering if I am getting the best home loan interest rate, since I’ve signed the agreement with the banker. Friend of mine said that home loan rate is dropping from day to day. But what I got from the banker is they generally predicted that the BLR for the home loan to be increase in the future.

The rate I got for my home loan is BLR -1.50% through out the loan period, but still some friends of mine said that their friends are getting even better deals. So, I am not sure how true the story from my friend is. But if I were to compare with my brother’s rate, actually I am much better because he is paying BLR + 1.0 %.

So, I think the rate is dropping from year to year, but what about BLR? Will it increase from year to year? Or maybe will it stay stable like now? I think I need to do some research to find out the correct data. And maybe I’ll refinance it if the rate is not good enough.

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