My house is going to ready soon, I am doing some survey about television. Some of my friend are actually ask me not to buy LCD TV as technology still new, and maybe need sometimes to pick up for stable version of the product.
But, I have some idea in my mind to buy the type of monitor. Just to share it before I buy, maybe just to make me feel that I make a correct choice. :D
It's true that Plasma and CRT Monitor are cheaper than LCD tv and some of my friends claim that LCD got shorter lifespan, and why we should buy something with limited lifespan to calculate. You may sound right in this term, but actually LCD got Lifespan of 60,000 Hours, which equates to at about 40 years of usage if you have the set on for 4 hours a day. 40 Years!!!! I think by that time LCD is no more famous like now.. kekekee... and for your information, plasma TVs have a same life span with LCD TV.
Because the crystals in LCD TV do not produce light, LCD TV consumes less energy compare with Plasma and CRT. Plasma TVs generate more heat than LCDs, due to the need to light of phosphors to create the images. When come to this it consumes more energy.
That's why I am going to buy LCD's TV for my new house. but maybe with small Screen nia la .. kekeke...
I don’t know whether I get the correct information or not, or maybe you got some new Information about TV, just drop me some comments.
I dont know whether you have read this or not.
the technology is not new, it was "new" few years back.
remember old LCD TV, when you view from some angle, it become dark.
the 32" LCD TV quite massly produced.
but it not support 1080p.
but enough for current DVD fromat.
I have no comment on this. But when watching DVD on LCD, it's much better. How about plasma?