December 16, 2007

working on new blogger template

I just got to see Sarah Mohd Shukor's blog, updated her new paint for her "house". Title "Rumah Lama, Cat Baru", I am thinking of changing my blog layout style as well.
This current template is with me since I started to blog frequently this year, and I also receive some critics from my friends that my template is actually out of date.. It flag me to change my layout after Sarah changed Hers.

I think I might work out with some template with high tech view, but not too high tech. maybe look like with the Sebolku's blog with 2 columns beside, Maybe Sebolku can share with me your template. so, I can make modification on it.
Now still referring to others template to get a really my own template for this blog.

May you have any suggestion about the new template, can drop me some comment on it.


  1. my template is actually broken,
    I cant put anything on the header.

    if you like 3 column blogger template
    juat google "3 column blogger template".

    fyi i get my template from, indonesian blog.

  2. thanx Sebol, I am actually got some in my pocket. Still thinking of the major modification and suite to my own personality.
