April 8, 2008

Tired!! Tired!! Tired!!

Nowadays very tired with house moving preparations, today vendor is working on the house patching process. Tomorrow will be another vendor coming in for the house painting. The house preparations are taking me sometimes and I have a permanent work to focus in as well.

I am quite tired with the arrangement as we need to meet dateline for end of month. No matter how, we need to move in by end of this month because our rental house contract will be terminate by end of this month. So, quite rush for the house moving. Wiring man taken out so long for finish his work and make our work delayed, and we need to rush for it. Just got the tiles for the piping adjustment purpose and will past to the contractor to do the wall patching of hacked wall for pipe adjustment.

By end of this week, we are going to have the house fully ready for install lights and fans. Next week will be furniture in the place. I hope the headache thing will end by next week. Cheers.

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