April 1, 2008

Instant messengers

Most of the IT people have their instant messenger ID, I am having 3 which is Yahoo, MSN and google talk. Most of the IT Company is encourage their staff to communicate using instant messenger. Keep in touch with friends. Asking friends about some issue facing. But for company which their core business is not IT, it’s very hard for them to allow their staff using instant messengers.

By technology growing from day to day, I am fully agree that company need to let people try using new technology to communicate with their client or colleague. As long as their staff not abuses the usage of the instant messenger, I think instant messenger is a good tool for communication and save money in return.

Too much of chatting might be another issue for company who allow their staff using instant messenger during work. Some company scared their staff will abuse by using instant messenger for just mainly chatting, they will monitoring the chatting from day to day using firewall.

I think the main concern will back to the individual itself as they need to discipline and show the company that they are mature to use instant messenger when working.

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