April 21, 2008

Html and css

Lots of people trying to come out with their own web design using html. Let’s start with assuming you understand html and would like to enhance your web site layout with more fancy and beauty display, you should at first learn how to incorporate CSS (cascading style sheets) into your html document.

CSS is using to pre-set your design and come out with a standard template to maintain your whole web site with more consistency and also flexibility to change your layout.
Once you understand the role of html and css you can easily add your own little differences that will truly make the effort your own. I fully recommend to all web site owners who wish to design their web site with more professional and flexible to understand fully how html and css work together.

You might need to take up some reference from the market like e-books, books to learn the basic of the html and css to apply it on your web site. Or maybe you can search thru internet for your reference while designing your web site using html and css.


  1. here is a good reference on how to use html and css.

  2. http://www.csszengarden.com/

    sorry.. forgot to paste the link just now

  3. thank you alvin for the reference sharing.
