March 18, 2008

Keep Promise Please

Have you ever tried to believe in someone, but that person keep disappointing you with millions of excuse on hand. I think who ever have experience this before will know how I feel. Maybe you can sound like “Why you so serious? It’s just small matter!” Ok, means that you cannot handle big matter either.

Just giving you one example, you might get some idea on how it looks like. A neighbour of you who have a dog promises you to never let his dog shitting again in front of your house. The next day, you saw dog’s shit left at the favorite spot, immediately you call him for explain. He reflected that He will never do again.

1 week later, the incident happens again. You again talk to him with the same thing. And he promise not to repeat again.. The thing happens continuously for 3 months. What you feel? Will you call a police for that? Will you kill the dog when your neighbor not around?

I think every one have their patience limit. So, I hope everyone who sees this post can keep learning and improving on their witness for not hitting the limit.

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