July 27, 2007

What is Podcasting?

Technology is growing from day to day. Today, every individual can also posting their own movies or music to the website provided for public viewing. Almost every single day, internet user is posting to online video portal and let the public user to view their video.

There is a new technology to share their video nowaday, which is called Podcast.

A podcast is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers. A "pod" refers to the iPod, and "cast" to the idea of broadcasting.

Syndication feeds is An RSS document, it can called a "feed", "web feed", or "channel", contains either a summary of content from an associated web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with their favorite web sites in an automated manner that's easier than checking them manually.

Podcasting can be used for publish and share Informational content provided by podcaster. Music also can be podcast promote clips and interviews. A lots of Talk Shows being podcasted by news, commentaries. Internet also can podcast their Training as Instructional informational materials. And to be famous in the world, internet user like to podcast their Story.

For those who interest in Podcasting, can look back at this posting History of podcasting that can briefly let us know the podcast history timeline.

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