July 12, 2007

Notification from Payperpost.com

I got a notification from Payperpost.com today, saying that my blog is not meeting requirements yet. Well, this is how it looks like:

Notification Info: Thank you for your blog submission! I'm sorry, as per our terms of service, we do not accept blogs with a non-writing period of 30+ days in the past 90 days. Please re-submit when your blog meets all of our requirements. In the meantime, feel free to use PPP Direct and Affiliate tools while you work on meeting the requirements of our Marketplace! Thank you!

It directly flagged me to check about the term of service in order to participate in the Payperpost Market Place.
After going thru the whole terms of the service, I found that I’ve missed out some important conditions when I submit this blog.

Below are the Terms of service provided by Payperpost.com.

D. Minimum Blog Age
. Blogs must be live for a minimum of 90 days, counted from the date of the Blog's first post, with at least 20 pre-existing posts prior to registration with the PayPerPost Marketplace. The majority of these posts may not be in a single month and there must not be a gap of more than 30 days between any posts during the 90 day period immediately preceding sign up for registration in the Marketplace.

Base on the terms, I need to post more than 20 Posts within 90 days in order to participate in Payperpost Market Place.
In fact, My blog is not even reaching 10 posts yet, muakhahahahaa…
So, what I have to do is to blog actively in order to make money and also to share with you my thoughts.
For those who are interested in joining the Market Place, please be aware of the terms as well ya :)


  1. Mister Eng,

    Glad to see you on board as money blogger. I ain't sure writing blog will helps in fulfilling your dream, but no harm to try in getting extra income while there is an opportunity.

  2. kakaka..
    Gld to see ur commment at my post,
    I am sure I am making a beginning for blogging. since I never write more in my life.
    Thanx to you as well, as Ching2 said you are the great example of blogging for MOney.
