September 23, 2007

blog as information center

After been blogging for few months, I started know why people blog.
Initially, I created this blog for making extra money, but this blog also can be something important to communicate or keep up to date all the daily activities for bloggers among their friends.

Last week, I got some updates from my best friend's blog about She is going to deliver a child and admitted into hospital from her blog. And today I got some message from a friend's blog informed that He is going to work at China.

I started to like everything blog, as I always said to my friends, I am a lazy person who don't really like to read books and also never write alots of Article before. After I started to blog, I learn to read and write.

I come across some blog that really interesting, and informative. People posting things that really help other to start off with beginner's guide. and some posted usefull information to moving people forward.

So, Blog is not just a individual daily.. it's a information center.


  1. hmm true true..u may not know the real person, but after u read his/her blog, you know almost everything about him/her! amazing!!

    as for me, i blog for interest, sharing things with my friends and also make $$. hehe..

  2. Yeah, Most of the blogger are sharing information like we do.
    It's Fun and you might get addicted to blog.
