June 12, 2008

Petrol hike, news of the year

1 week after petrol price raised, people still put this issue as the main issue for the year. In a day I received like 2 forwarded email about petrol. I just got one for how to pump petrol to get the maximum petrol with the money you put. Save petrol, don't use petrol, replace petrol with water.

Some even forward an email content CEO of some company CEO come out with an idea to not pump Petrol at only 1 particular brand and force the petrol price down to like last time. Is that the actual way to make petrol price go down?

I even receive some junk mail about how to save money by using water to run your car. This topic can be running for few months from now. I think one day people will really give up on petrol price raise and stop from driving again. This situation will last for few months to go and I don't think people will sit back and see the raise without action. There are going to be big action from people who surfer from petrol hike.

Will see what is going on soon.

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