May 21, 2008


Kuala Lumpur is become a Wireless city and there will be more to install at the KL city by the end of this year. This is a Wireless Metropolitan Project, Wireless@KL is one of the pioneer to transform Kuala Lumpur into a wireless city. It is also in line with Kuala Lumpur Structural Plan 2020 to make Kuala Lumpur a world-class city.

Wireless@KL offers you FREE access to the Internet via wireless broadband service at speeds of up to 512 kb per second (kbps) and at a maximum data usage (download / upload) of 500MB per month. If you wish to access, you can register at their website and get a free access thru the hot spots that stated in their website. I think this is a waste as WIMAX can reach higher surfing speed as they only limits public to use 512kb. No choice as this is free, people have to accept it without complain.

For who is working at KL and want to enjoy the free wireless internet access, please log on to for more details.


  1. did you get to try this?

    went to wirelesskl site click on coverage, click Zone - DBKL sites, empty Area, empty Shop Name, click KL City Centre same thing.. so where are the "hotspots"?

    never mind the speed, wimax supposed to cover long distance, how come 1 antenna can't cover the whole KLCC?

  2. hmm.. I think this is because of your browser problem.
    The site is working fine at my side.
