July 14, 2008

I need to focus on my thesis

I think most of people are thinking that I am crazy about why I never give up on my thesis and I still beck my lecturer to help me for the extension in order to have more semester for my thesis. My study period is over as the Maximum period of my Study already over. I need to get the 1 semester extension in order to carry on with my thesis.

I am quite sad about the fact last Friday and Saturday was my birthday as I don’t really enjoy the moment when my lecturer told me that my maximum period of study is over which is five years.

I was struggling with financial problem and I force to defer for some semester as my mom are surfer by some health illness. This also makes me to travel more during weekend.

My friend asks me why I still carry on as this is no way for me to finish if no time, this is some how my mom wishes and I need to make her proud about this. I always dream of making my parents proud of me, so that I can consider my life is complete.

So, busy year will be in front of me as I need to work hard on my thesis. I might not be able to blog so frequent liao. So, sorry about that.

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