October 22, 2007

Corporation size you prefer

Friends of mine always talk about this issue. Some really prefer to work for large companies; some however prefer to work for smaller businesses.

Let’s discuss it here. For those who claim large companies to be good to work for is because large corporations have its large amounts of plus points, like health care and multiple arrangements of benefits. Some even provide you education advancement. And the environment provided some how is of course better than small business companies.
My friends who prefer working for larger corporations even highlighted that the disadvantages of working for small companies. They claim that smaller businesses have all to worry about P&L (profit and loss). Keeping the cost low is always the priority than making a good run of Research and Development.

Some would prefer smaller companies because the opportunity to blossom is better. A person can grow if he/she really performs. They even claimed that are more learning opportunities in small companies as they are required to know everything.

As for you, what size of the corporation do you prefer?


  1. i prefer to work in a small company so my potential can be recognize compared to bigger company which have more employer..

  2. honestly, i prefer to work in a large company. i like adventurous working surrounding which is helpful to improve my skills and healthy competition like this can drive me to achieve more in life, and to be more ambitious. u might not agree. but this is me :) but whatever my points here are, i one day will be bounded to work in a hospital condition. and im pretty sure u can guess how the condition is. it large or small doesnt matter anymore. what matters is the skills, the practical part. theory only doesnt help me much. hmmm...

  3. Waliz: It's true that work for small company can grow better if you really work hard and got vision to grow. It also depend on your personality.

    Sarah Mohd Shukor: True statement from my experience , skill does matter for your career enhancement, but one thing I don't really enjoy about working at large Corporation is the Office Politic. Hope you can cope it. :)
