August 2, 2007

Tech skills for now and future

Nowadays, Computer becomes a popular tool for communication between Clients in one organization. Look back to the late 80’s, IT professionals been working so hard to learn about NetWare and IPX/SPX administration will be the first priority skill to develop and catch up with technology that time.

Today, we have been talking about TCP/IP and the Internet, where all individuals can communicate with each other by connecting to the internet by using user friendly tools.
When internet age is taking over, some of the tech skills we need to know or develop. Let’s see from the below:

1. Wireless technology
Even the wireless technology is not a famous protocol to apply in the enterprise, but we have to know that wireless LANs is the most convenience way to connect internet. There will be new enhancement for this technology soon.

2. Voice Over IP
Have to admit that the VOIP is the famous telephone service for enterprise due to the cost and convenience factors. One of the famous VOIP tool is SKYPE. As more companies will be invest in the VOIP as because VOIP runs on the TCP/IP network and IT professionals may need to know this technology in order to manage well the administrator work.

3. Unified communications
Unified communications is growing along side with the growing popularity of the VOIP. The concept of the Unified communications is to convergence of different communications technologies, such as e-mail, voicemail, text messaging, and fax. Users will expect to have access to all their communications from a single interface from a variety of devices like PCs, laptops, smart phones/PDAs, traditional phones. Some of the big names in IT like Microsoft, Cisco, IBM also provide Unified communications Tools or solutions.

4. Multi-platform knowledge.
There was a time where all Windows and All-Unix network is in place, we only have some skill on troubleshooting one particular platform. With Linux is coming huge with the new OS like Ubuntu. We will likely to see some organization deploying it on the desktop for certain users.

5. Software as Service
The next generation of the internet which is Web 2.0 is growing with none stoppable. Software as Service is all about delivering applications over webs. Sooner some organization will move from which is installed personally in individual’s machine will be taking place by Application over WEB.

6. Virtual machines
Virtual machine has been a headline for almost every single organization. Microsoft had been invested huge amount to come out with it Virtual PC, Virtual Server. Since there are multi-platform to be applying in one organization, I highly believe that virtual PC and Virtual Server will be the solution to check the compatible of the OS.

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