August 23, 2007

Customs Malaysia to go Electronic

I just came back from the so-called discussion for implementing systems of Customs Form declaration. As my company is located at Free Industrial Zones (Sungai Way), we need to declare customs form for all import and export transactions.

Basically today's session is to talk about pricing and concerns about e-Declare. e-Declare is developed by a local e-business company called DagangNet.

I think the online Customs form declaration implementation is showing that our Government is moving towards the paperless era. But on the other hand, costing for some companies will increase drastically after the implementation.

Just look at the packages you should purchase in order to use the e-Declare:
1-time Registration = RM1400
Stamping Fees = RM10
Module Access = RM660

And every month, you have 3 options to go for:
1. Submit thru forwarding agent, which will charge you RM30 per form.
2. Direct subscriber, use e-Declare. RM235 per month and RM1.20 per 1KB. We were told that 1 transaction will take up approximately 4 KB. So, it should be RM4 per transaction. RM180 is for mailbox, and RM55 is for access fees.
3. Submit thru Dagangnet Facilitation Point, which they call it “kedai” DagangNet, is RM22 per form


Just imagine one factory might have 20 transactions per day (small factory, not including big nam like Western Digital. I think WD can easily reach 50 transactions per day), and there will be more then 1000 factories that are dealing with factories in FIZ. So 1 transaction will cost RM4. RM4 x 20 Transactions x 1000 Factory, easily DagangNet can earn RM40K per day and RM1.2 millions per month. This is only based on monthly transactions. And the monthly fees to pay is RM235. They will be earning RM2.35 millions from 1000 factories per month.

So, monthly earning for dagangNet will be RM 3.55 millions.

And don’t forget, it is just calculating fees for FIZ sungai Way. What about Bayan Lepas? Ulu kelang? And lots more.

So, please stock in some shares from UEM World counter, as DagangNet is own by UEMWORLD.

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