Have you ever receive a phone call from some bank sales advisor that they trying to get you subscribe for their credit card service? Ignoring call from them make you cannot reject them to just subscribe for what ever they offer? You are not necessary to accept that.
Recently I got one as well, as this call is from a foreign bank, and I was using there service back to 4 years ago and they started to call me to ask my reason of termination. They called my hometown number that really can’t reach me at the beginning. As my mom felt lazy to entertain them, she just told them that she don’t have my contact number in KL. But after few days of disgusting calls, my mom finally gave my number to him.
He called me last Saturday and I rejected to him as I don’t feel like to have extra credit card. Because I am having 2 cards now really ease my life and both cards that I am having is free for life. I can’t find a reason for me to have another card, but he kept calling me until this morning. He finally gave up on me.
But personally, I do think that one or two credit card is enough for a person because it’s easy to manage. I think some people out there might agree with my opinion. So, one credit card is enough for a person or two.
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