April 16, 2009

Toaster oven cannot use for bake cake

I have a toaster oven since move to new home, this is one of the gift that given during my house warming. After a year it keep safely in cabinet, I decided to take out and try to bake some cake because I search online, some people really remarks that toaster oven can use for baking cake.

So, I went to shopping for some cake ingredient and started my cake baking trial. After an hour of preparing I finally get all ingredients mixed and ready to bake. The recipe given is asking me to bake the cake for 40 minutes, but my toaster only have 15 minutes maximum and I adjust to 10 minutes and I start to enjoy my TV show, after a while some smoke come out from the toaster that really shock me. So, first 2 cakes were over baked.

I took it out and put a new one which I think 5 minutes can be enough for the baking timer, but end up the cake is only half baked. So, I made a conclusion that toaster oven cannot be use for cake baking.

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