shuttle bus to skytrex
Once we got there, we went straight to the counter and to register. We were not asked to pay upfront. You’ll only have to pay after finishing the challenge. Each of us got the equipments, a locker and a pair of gloves (RM1 per rent). The instructors were there to equip us.
Equipment for rent
helping hand
I am ready !!
All together there were 25 challenges (according to their website, cos I’d actually lost count half way thru the challenge), and we started with climbing a 17 meter long tree stairs (it was tiring). Then we crossed a zigzag trek (it was so high up, that I couldn’t see the ground.. and I did chicken abit there. I just kept telling myself, don’t look down and don’t think about it…).
The challenge start from here
The challenge that I hated to most must be the hanging tubes. The distance was short, but it seemed so hard. The instructor kept telling us to step a feet at 1 tube at a time. But the tubes kept swinging, forth and back, left and right, which we couldn’t really step on them. After struggling for a few moments, all of us managed to walk thru (yoo hoo!)
Then it came this tarzan swing. This I must say was the hardest for me. We were supposed to swing with a rope, step on a plank, and catch the next rope with the other hand. But, I just couldn’t reach the plank. I couldn’t recall how much time I spent there, but it was definitely long… but well, I din chicken out thou :P
There were several chicken exits throughout the challenges, but none of us did chicken out. Hooray!After about 2 hours of the fun time, finally we got to the end exit. All of us got wet cos it just started raining right before we got the exit. But still we enjoyed it pretty much.
I must say Skytrekking is really awesome and we really had a great time there! And there’ll be an extreme challenge ready sometime in March next year. We are so looking forward to that!!
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