September 25, 2008

five things I hate about myself

You might hate about yourself about some bad habit that happen in your life, I also got some that make me hate about myself. I am listing out all and get myself improve about my weaknesses. Five things I hate about myself are:

Fat- you may think I want myself to be better looking, but I don’t think this is the main factor. The main reason is I like sports, my big tummy will make me work harder to run and always hard to do some difficult stun.

Snoring- This might be one thing happen when you are fat, you know the impact when you go to some vacation with group of friends, they will kind of mentioned it after a night. This thing happens and makes me seriously shame on it because it might disturbing people when I fall a sleep, I have no choice but always replied with “last night was too tired la, normally don’t have one..”

Too committed to work- this thing been hunted me since first day I started working. I always worry about work even after office hour. Start planning about tomorrow’s schedule and task during night. You might think this is a good habit to maintain, but I don’t think so because this habit causes me sleepless night.

Hot temper- I am a hot temper I know it since I was child and I am trying hard to control It myself. I may get angry because of the non proper handling of projects and not committed to work. I got frustrated if you make me wait for more than 10 minutes of the dated time. I know this is hard, but I still trying to improve myself. My natural born anger face make me look even worst, people always misunderstand that I scold them when I trying to talk serious with them. Sigh~~~

Think too much and worry too much- I always worry about things will happen in future, I always worry about dateline, always remind myself about bills to pay. This bad habit makes me turn old faster, if you see me you will understand my statement.

There are still some that I never list out here but not having major impact of my life. I shortlisted those major factor for improvement. Hope that I can improve it in near future.

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