August 28, 2008

Traffic Jam

Traffic jam has always be an issue to all KL-ians and Selangorians, especially on rainy days.

Sometimes, I just don’t really get it. A small little car accident could cause the whole road to be jammed. Sometimes, there are even no accidents on the road. It just simply has a lot of cards moving very slowly. And once you bypass a certain point, the traffic gets better.

I read a book from Tom Vanderbilts, called Traffic – Why We Drive The Way We Do (And What It Says About Us). Something very interesting that he mentioned was traffic jams are not caused by flaws in road but by flaws in human nature.

Vanderbilt, cites a finding that 12.7 percent of the traffic slowdown after a crash has nothing to do with wreckage blocking lanes; it’s caused by gawkers.

He adds, drivers will slow down to look at anything: “Something as simple as a couch dumped in a roadside ditch can send minor shudders of curiosity through the traffic flow.”
Go get the book and read it over. It might help to ease our traffic a little if everyone reads it. *wink

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