January 22, 2009

Big company? Good company!

Many of you have been working in a big company, and are proud of the joining these big brand in the world. So, the question comes back to the benefits. As many big company not necessary provide good benefit and good working environment.

As for me, I am looking forward to work for a good company which can provide me a good environment to perform well in my job. They are take good care of their employee, and they treat their employee as their asset.

I am currently working in a local so called “big company”, but I don’t really think they are good enough when come to benefits and career path provided. They are always demand for more contribution but no rewards been given to good employee. I judge myself good in this company because I am able to provide solution in tight dateline and committed to work. One thing is not good about me is I don’t play office politic. Which I think if I spend more time in politic will cost me lots of time to finish my projects on time.

So, I am looking forward to work for a good company and appreciation should focus on contribution and not political achievement.

January 14, 2009

You may lost one day

After working for few years with some tremendous companies, you might find yourself lost one day. Why I say so, it’s because you might thinking of moving forward and current employer cannot provide you some career path that you always dream of.

Every day you come in to your company and find yourself stuck with the environment and maybe can say you are get used to the company’s situation. When you think deeper about your future, you might find yourself lost in career direction. You started to hack your head and worried about your future.

Worry might not be the solution of the lost, I think it’s time to move on. That’s what I am doing now, seeking for another company for career enhancement. Many of you might face the same situation as I do. So, we all together work hard for the destiny of yours.

Good Luck.

January 7, 2009

Words that need to be avoided as a customer service agent

When customers face problems with their daily products, they get stuck with their daily work. Dig out the instruction book and there is a customer service line to call. They are calling with a hope that there are some solutions to resolve their problems. As a customer service agent what can you do is to provide the best tone and solutions to the customers to make sure they are satisfied with your attempt.

I used to work for a call center to provide solutions via phone and have gone thru some useful training. I think what I get from the experience is quite useful when it comes to handle customers. There are skills and experiences that I still keep until now. It helps when I am having conversation with customers.

As a customer service agent, there are words you need to avoid during conversations with customers.

1. “Are you sure…” This can cause you in a bad situation with customers as they feel like you are insulting them by assuming they don’t know about what they are doing. Example: One customer called and said that they are having problem with the Internet line and you are telling them that the line is working ok. You ask them to check on the device and they replied with the device is working fine. By then you ask “Are you sure the device is working okay?” Then you will get into a big trouble. For you information, this is what I always get from TM call center.

2. “Try to reset again..” Sometimes most of the problems can be resolved by resetting the machine, but not all. You should ask if the call-in person whether they’ve tried to reset before. If the person already reset the machine for 5 times and you ask them to reset again, you will see the reaction after the quote.

3. “That’s not my job” Some people like to push the responsibility around to the technical person especially front line customer service. That’s totally not right, because you are representing your organization and not just your front line. That makes customers think that they are calling the wrong person.

4. “I don’t know..” Don’t ever think of getting yourself out of the trouble by saying “I don’t know”. Why your company put you into customer service because you are the person with all kind of knowledge to solve customers’ problems.
5. “You’ll have to call….” It’s good to know that your department is not handling this case. So, you ask the person who called with the hope to contact someone else, this will cause you into a deep trouble as well. You can say customer have no knowledge on who to call. Maybe this is the third department they called and “Are you kidding me? You ask me to call another call center again??!!!?

When I was a customer service agent, I enjoyed receiving calls and I always respect customers who call for the solutions. Sometimes I get scolded as usual by frustrated customers, but when you really help the person who needs help, you will feel very proud of yourself. That was one good experience I had in my working life.

January 5, 2009

Too late to behave

Some people just having a bad attitude during work but when come to the year end they will start to behave and talk nice because they need a good appraisal to get a better review and bonus.

But don’t you think it is too late to behave like a nice worker because for the whole year, you never behave like one. I have a similar subordinate who having a bad attitude when come to work always demand for a better salary when come to the appraisal and this time she is not going to get a good appraisal because I already decided put his rating as just average.

When you are a worker who likes to have a good review for year end appraisal, you need to work hard the whole year, not just by end of the year.

January 3, 2009

Everyone like gossip

Gossip is something people enjoying everyday and likes to observe people and by return gossip about it when got free time. I am inside of the massage center while waiting for my girl friend for the massage session. There are 2 girls who work at the center keep gossip about things. And they just can stop talking since I am here.

They really enjoy the conversation to talk about others things. Customer who always come and with what car number also they are remembered. I found gossip is a common thing among of us, colleagues talk about bosses is some thing cannot be missed when they hang up outside of office.

Girls like gossip, especially people who found their work having too much of free time to chat. I think something it is too much for some one taking too much of time talked about other people and without reflect themselves. I do advices that don’t gossip too much because this is not a healthy activity to have.

Too dedicated to work

I find myself having too much of time in work recently until I almost giving up my personal life. Now I planned to get it back from what I am losing from last few years. I trying to catch up with my ex-colleague and trying to grab some updates from my friends.

One more thing I lost in recent years is my dream which is starts my own business. I always dream of having my own business and get out from my daily routine which will allow me for more time in my personal things. I will work harder on 2009 to achieve what I have dreamed for.

I will start to draw some pictures to hang at my house. I have a little drawing talent when I was child and now I planned to have it back which start to draw some simple drawing.

I might buy a new DSLR by this month and start to shoot some wonderful picture myself. This is always my dream to have free time for my hobbies.

My colleague used to tell me that I am too dedicated to work until I stressed myself to achieve something and this is a good time for me to release some tension and enjoy my life.