May 26, 2007


Coffee is one of my favorite daily beverages, I will always take a break during work by enjoying the beauty of Coffee taste. But as my canteen only selling Nescafe and Kopi’O, then I will have one during the break time to refresh myself.

Coffee is made from the seeds of the Coffea plant, which are popularly known as coffee beans.
3 famous shops in Malaysia and I always hang up at are Starbucks, coffee bean and San Francisco coffee.

These are the coffee that I like the most when hang up at famous café:
Espresso (also name caffè espresso)

You can browse thru wikipedia for more details of coffee.

May 4, 2007

Office Politic

What a nice topic in our current work environment.
Office politics seem like an unavoidable fact of life in every workplace.

As this also happen in my working place, how I handle it. This is interesting.
I am a quite honest guy in my company, so that I always struggle with arguing the fact when attending some important meeting. This is some bad attitude I got in myself. I don’t know how to praise my boss well. That’s why I always find the solution for myself in order to get my boss raise me up.

But now, situation changed from day to day, I starting realize that you will get rewarded if you just trying to do your best and not to complain to others about your boss, accept whatever is given, and try your best to finish all the task been given by your boss.

Therefore, I am kind of person that never involved in big gossip like other person like to spend some time and telling the whole world about the bad side of the company. We should know that trumpeting your unhappiness far and widely will only get you in big trouble. This is how I learn from the book: (Secrets to Winning at Office Politics by Marie G. McIntyre, Ph.D.)

Please do study this book as this book really helps you to win some battle in your office Political. Personal advice from me.